Daniel Levez started playing records after he had some great party's like Mayday 10 and visiting many great clubs like the legendary Poison Club near Düsseldorf in germany.His first own MKII’s, a good mixing desk and inspiration from Dj's Like Dave Clarke, Cirez D, Fedde le Grand, Andre Galuzzi and some more he's gone his own special way, during using his traktor scratch, some effects, scratches, cuts and so on.He ́s using some drumpads and the maschine, too!He's a great Dj and performer in Munich's partyscene now. Played together with T he Advent, Popof, Eric Sneo, Gabriel Ananda, Patrick Lindsey, Hardy Hard Man at Arms, Markus Kavka, Massimo, Dave Shokh, Terence Fixmer and Tube Tech, DJ Misjah, Massimo in Munichs Techno Clubs, we'll see that 'Daniel Levez is playin his