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Club Culture 2019
Kavalsky, Yud Kei, FlashlightFX, DenchaX, Electric Violence, Dominick!, Savlem, Artistes Inconnus, S.M.Fusion, TheRio, Demzo, Planet Noize, Fran Mahema, JaceOn, Joe Garston, Andrew Farr, Ramy B., Michael CP, Mr. Duder, Dittonix, Tomas Balaz, Dropline & Candy, Fisso & Spark, Lopezz, Amine Boufarissi, Salah Elouali, Soundage, V3NOM, Illectrix, Dtoxic, Body Crash, Felix House, Max Kartel, Simone Bertolini, Viktor Rose, Stiven Metaj, Matroda, DWINZ!, Terence Palmer, Spooner Street
Bass Culture 2018
Hypster, The Bassnifics, Honey Badjah, Federland, Basis, Kechak, Audalanche, FlashlightFX, Rotan, Elephantz, Pixel Palmera, James Oleander, Darkpunk, V3NOM, Dark Cat, Vampage, Lopezz, Alex Lightspeed, Parsley Joe, Rigor et Algor Mortis, Dinklebot, I AM XNDR, ZOM-B, CIORAN, Felix House, Max Kartel, Vertical Smile
Planet EDM 2017
Early Le Doc, Louis Nostitz, Froxic, PLAYR2, Pierce G, K1T, Aeroloid, Mr. Smiley, Tomas Balaz, Qianta, MJFuNk, Quadro, Venaccio, Manuel Galey, Taylor Franklyn, Beatz Projekted, Quick Fix, Kopyrites, Soundage, Kyle G, Vince Pepper, DJ Dony Pikota, FlashlightFX, Charles La Roux, T.Matic, Darkpunk, Ragel Mood
Miami Club Sensation 2017
Janek, V3NOM, Fatblock, Parsley Joe, Beatz Projekted, Caboose, XDresser, Midnight Beats, DenchaX, Lucifer Matttz, Mirame!, Guillaume B., Favulous, Tom Is Yes, Akuno, Noize Tank, Kavalsky, Pierce G, Gallamine, Yud Kei, Scubacrash, Dan Maarten, FlashlightFX, Electric Violence, Spooner Street, Amine Boufarissi, Salah Elouali
Secret Weapons 12
K1T, 20KID, King Hong, Have A Cow, Felipe Maxime, FlashlightFX, Ruling Toys, TheRio, V3NOM, Joe Garston, Andrew Farr, Myndscape, Elan Myles, Jesse Hutton, Kid Phix, KC4K, Megaman, UCast, Sasha Plus, D.Shane, Parsley Joe, Pyromeda, Astroment, Antrix, BlueDrak3, Middle Milk, INFINUM, Raff, Hypster, Tomas Balaz
Electro House Essentials 2016 (Deluxe Edition)
Owen Jones, Michael K, Art Inc., Adam Sick, JKR (UK), Peep This, Blusterbat, Andrew Wight, BlueDrak3, Norom, Demoe Beats, Entheogen, TheRio, Mirra, LICK DA CAT, Club Noize, Akuma, Starman Jones, Caio Mass, Rotan, Prolugez, Twice Nice, Nokturn, Nefilin, Montanapeltzer, Da Trap, MVEMNT, Morgan Hicks, Middle Milk, Jaqee Tech, Vampage, Non Sequitur, Quadro, Legionz, Hybrid Harmonics, Pitch Please!, Genisis Project, LIBK, Kelvin Affleck, Felipe Maxime, Ruxell, Aaron Sina, Joe Garston, Parsley Joe, Wee-O, FlashlightFX, Faze Out, Stiven Metaj
Ibiza Blue (Deluxe Edition)
Aaren San, Ragel Mood, Greeoons, Aeroloid, Lupo, JRF, Melie, Rusky Rusk, Hypster, Sally Garozzo, K.Swiff, Thomas Ray, Tiara, Sasha Plus, Daniel Butler, Planet Noize, James Acosta, Nanophonyk, Yellow Laces, Jesse Hutton, Jonathan Groisil, Versus 5, Marc Lawrence, Mona Lisa, R.O.N.N., FlashlightFX, Rotan, Parsley Joe, Carter Mason, BlueDrak3, JKR (UK), Owen Jones, Mord Fustang, Hollway, Lou Van Stone, tom the kid, Virtion, Lucky Nicky, Deyno, Stan Castillo, Ricky Rough, Jana Kask, Chris Cipher, Last Island, SEROK, Tamara Hall, Soroccos, Parkinson, Orby, BeatNMore, A. Shirley
Ibiza Blue
Aaren San, Ragel Mood, Greeoons, Aeroloid, Lupo, JRF, Melie, Rusky Rusk, Hypster, Sally Garozzo, K.Swiff, Thomas Ray, Tiara, Sasha Plus, Daniel Butler, Planet Noize, James Acosta, Nanophonyk, Yellow Laces, Jesse Hutton, Jonathan Groisil, Versus 5, Marc Lawrence, Mona Lisa, R.O.N.N., FlashlightFX, Rotan, Parsley Joe, Carter Mason, BlueDrak3, JKR (UK), Owen Jones, Mord Fustang, Hollway, Lou Van Stone, tom the kid, Virtion, Lucky Nicky, Deyno, Stan Castillo, Ricky Rough, Jana Kask, Chris Cipher, Last Island, Tamara Hall, SEROK
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