The Oddword

Make way for The Oddword! Boy Kortekaas and Ylli Engels bring raw electronic bass to make you lose yourself in a whirlpool of electro & techy beats with their active and hyped-up mood during their sets. These boys from Antwerp don’t only make the party; they tear the roof or even the whole club down. If you can’t find one of them in the dj-booth, they're probably too busy crowd surfing. You might find yourself saying “amazing”, “insane” or “what just happened?” after a party with them, but they prefer BOINK! or WHOOP WHOOP! With The Oddword you can expect even the most unexpected.Prepare yourself for moshpits, wall’s of death or even your grandma giving her best shots.The Oddword started making music in 2009 and in no time people around

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