Analogue Dream was the very first Electronic Music project of “full-blood musician”, visionary, rebel and music producer Massimo Santucci. The project was born back in 1996 together with his brother Tony Santucci after a few visits in the legendary Grube, Tara & Zero Club’s in the Sauerland area.Between 1997 and 2000 Analogue Dream played hundreds of Live acts without have released any record. In February 2000, during a show, they meet Shiva Shidapu (aka Jörg Kessler) from Shiva Space Technology -one of the most respected Record company at that time-. Jörg was impressed from the Analogue Dream sound and signed one of the tunes called “Euphemistic Visions” for his Album/ Compilation “The Call of Shiva”. In 2000 another signing follows on the label Nephilim Records with the track “Tribal Dance & Go