Julyukie is a brazilian djane who comes from São Paulo(BR) and currently lives in Germany.In 2004 she started djing and with the passion for technogetting bigger she started in 2006 to promote parties in SãoPaulo (Descontrol Techno). T his year she was also residentof the legendary club "A Loca" in São Paulo and had herfirst gigs around Brazil.In 2008 she was invited for her first international gig inColombia and and shortly after to Venezuela.Her first European tour was in 2009. Since then, sheshowed her music to some of the biggest clubs and technofestivals in Europe.Some clubs/events: Fabrik (ES), Florida 135 (ES), LibertyWhite (BE), Defqon 1. (NL), Nature One (DE), Ruhr in Love(DE), City Parade Belgium (BE), Blau (ES), Aquasella (ES),Fuel Techno (PO), Docklands Festival (DE), Fusion Club(DE), Technoflash (ES), Alcantara