Do you “fit in”? Does your dancing blend in with the others on the dancefloor? Does your music taste occupy an area so middle of the road you may as well be a white line? Or do you surf white lines of more exotic varieties? Well, if you’re the former you will probably want to look under M for Katie Meluurrghhh. If your tastes and predilections are more “advanced” however, let us introduce you to The Rejekts, ejected not so much from the local disco as the entirety of civilised society. These two Rejekts have inhabited clubland long enough to find most of it slightly limp, impotent and sterile these days, tiring of the music-by-numbers approach of DJs and labels, preferring instead to drift out to the fringes and fight
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Balance 028 (Mixed by Stacey Pullen)
Stacey Pullen, Rejekts, Leman & Dieckmann, Folic State, DJ Hightech, IZT, Atmosfear, Miss Mee, Roi Okev, Cid Inc, Digitaria, Sobek, Toby Dreher, Huxley, Anderson Noise, Peter Gibney, Kevin Saunderson, E-Dancer, Kevin Over, Hoito, Alex B (Italy), Chris Carrier, Hector Moralez, Jad & the Ladyboy, Oscar P, Osunlade, Roscius, Tom Ellis, Fake Blood
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