Daniel Mohnberg

Daniel Mohnberg

Daniel Mohnberg aka Spinello was born 1975 in Frankfurt/Höchst,Germany. At the age of 10 he started his passion for music especially the love in drumming and beats. He got his first professional drumschool lesson in 1985. During the next 15 years he played in many bands and music combos. More and more he become an electronic musician by using digital machines together with his drumset. 1992 he bought his first digital sampling keyboard and an Atari 1040-STF. From that day on he starts producing tracks, especially in the genre of EBM style equal to Front242 or Nizzer Ebb. During the 90s he continued buying more and more electronic music-equipment to build up his studio. 2001 he also visited the SAE Frankfurt/Main and absolved the professional audio egineering education grade. Since

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