Filippo Bottura

Filippo Bottura was Born in Modena, Italy March the 31st 1989.He started enjoying music at a very young age and playing acoustic and electric guitar at 12 ys old, taking music classes.At 14 ys old Filippo tried his first console and found his true inspiration as he spent the later years tirelessly practicing with it in order to improve its technique and becoming a good performer.He started performing publicly and regularly at 16 in local clubs in Modena like “Villa Freto”, “Snoopy” and “Il Baluardo della Cittadella”.At 17 he produced his first record “Cockblock”.Reaching 18 ys old in 2007, Filippo started collaborating with important international artists like Cyberpunkers, John Dahlback, Pig&Dan at “Cenerentola Club” in Reggio Emilia, managing the events and doing their warm-up.In 2008 he toured northern Italy as

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