Needs 2 dishes and 1 mixer to ride the energy wave of the public, feel the adrenaline that runs on the track, absorb the strength, trying to guess the tastes of the crowd and to experiment, because people should also be educated with new sounds. UPTEK also RETAPE from Puglia, DJ producer & remixer in continuous musical evolution, he does not like to catalog music, he proposes house and techno in various shades. It also stands out for its charisma, its whimsiness and its engaging way of being behind the console. His strength, his charge, his determination are the result of his passion, his courage to dare, to experiment, to be different.
Latest Releases
Costa Music, Shaiel, Yan Solo, Apple Gule, Emy Smith, Cylink, David Hopperman, Just Because, Vin Damato, Rochee, Robin Stoll, Emma LX, Adventune, Joël Fabrice, MADDS, Mima, Madaë, Storm K, Korsorga, AESLY, DYKMN, Lopez, Kris Castellucci, Pando, Romaan, Adam Reeves, Manna, Tolex, Helvig, DJ Flore, Retape (IT), Levasseur, Airbas, Paul Daze, Vanto & Mancuso
Sirup Miami 2023
Zoree, Raul Perez, Frankie Corsano, Toxic Joy, Annastacia Boudwin, Farves, Michael Anthony, Mima, Tess Vockler, Mor Avrahami, Valentina Ignacio, AESLY, David Novacek, DEFEO, ZARO, VYERA, Vanto & Mancuso, Retape (IT), Katamuro, Joël Fabrice, Luca Guerrieri, Levasseur, BadVice DJ, Gino G, Timo Tetriz, Murat Salman, Ridwello, RMA, ROROLL
Best Of Sirup Music 2022
EDX, Nora En Pure, Mike Candys, Galardo, Stage Republic, Daniel Portman, Julene, Joël Fabrice, Sons Of Maria, Toxic Joy, Annastacia Boudwin, Croatia Squad, Frankie Corsano, Tino Brass, Calippo, Consoul Trainin, Eran Hersh, SANDHAUS, Michael Anthony, Troste, Colin Callahan, Lexi Scatena, Now O Later, Love Kr3w, DEVN6, Timo Tetriz, Gino G, Andreas Backvall, Robin Stoll, Ryan Rafferty, Miss Ghyss, Hartness, Mima, Spoke, ZARO, Luca Guerrieri, Meri, Katamuro, Retape (IT), DJ Leandro, Vanto & Mancuso, Molla, Elka, BadVice DJ, Nippandab, VYERA, Mor Avrahami, Hurricane Season, Tess Vockler, Farves, Yan Solo, Apple Gule
Sirup Miami 2022
Eros, John Skyfield, Raiko, Scotty Boy, Terrell Carter, Jetason, KOSH & BAKER, Miss Ghyss, Hartness, Twenty Feet Down, Paul Morrell, Ayah Marar, Spoke, ZARO, Eran Hersh, Katie DiCicco, Robert Burian, Dave202, Mike Candys, Marcus Cito, Terry Golden, Herc Deeman, Henri (BR), Twentin Quarantino, Joezi, Vanto & Mancuso, Troste, Retape (IT), Consoul Trainin, Anjel, Nactua, Joël Fabrice, Josh Green, Mano, Steny, Katamuro, Luca Guerrieri, Atom 36
Backstage Beats
Sonny Vice, Joe Crazy, Jetason, KOSH & BAKER, Marco Maffeis, Jaime Deraz, Joël Fabrice, Federico Scavo, Mano, Galardo, Dave202, Mare, Benncji, Steve Norton, Twenty Feet Down, Nino Lucarelli, Mike Konstanty, Antonio Giacca, Josh Green, Terry Golden, Mor Avrahami, Eran Hersh, Timo Tetriz, Troste, Retape (IT), Vanto & Mancuso, Steny, Luca Guerrieri, STOESSEL
Melodic Techno Essentials, Vol. 13
Space Native, John Wolf, Sosa Ibiza, Ar-Men Da Viken, Tom Pooks, Pontias, Alex Lago, Kandar, Le Brave, John Clarcq, Joël Martina, Oudix, AKILLER MUSIC, Marcex, Chan Solo, Steve Pottz, Retape (IT), SO:MG, Peter Roots, Monobrother D, Paolo Solo, After Sunrise, Tensive Line, PARALEL, Placebo eFx, JOELY, Dee Green
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