Cambis & Wenzel

Since 2010 Cambis & Felix Wenzel are working together on their music project: Cambis & Wenzel. Since this time they are together in the studio and this wonderful project which instantly worked out so well is driven by a perfect interaction and a mutual creative spirit. Behind their studio doors Cambis & Wenzel puzzle out their new projects. Now they are hitting for some serious form.This fine assembly, connected by sincere love for music and driven by their devotion for their work is also strengthened by a deep friendship.The successful platform for their creative work is definitely based on their mutual understanding of musical vibes. The result is those tracks of delectable musical delightness. -Cambis & Wenzel feat. Ma’Deeva „Hold On“ (Wormland Music, 2011)-Cambis & Wenzel feat. Lima „AYUNI“ (Kosmo

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